Lonely Whale - August 20, 2020

Episode Five: Julie Christeas

Julie Christeas is a producer, director, activist, mother, and CEO of Tandem Pictures, the first conscious indie film studio. Their mission disrupts the film industry’s often wasteful practices by focusing on zero waste and net-zero CO2 emissions.

As consumers, we spend most of our time thinking and talking about what shows up on screen that we often forget an entire industry makes up what happens off screen to bring a series of film to life. In this episode, 52 Hertz host Petrice Jones and Julie Christeas, CEO of Tandem Pictures, break down myths about cost and sustainability in film production, describe what exactly a green film set looks like, and share how going against the current to weave sustainability into their model has shaped community and culture at Tandem Pictures.


Only have a few minutes? Skim episode five’s transcript.

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Now here's a big investment tip whales. Humpback whales, right whales, sperm whales, forget about stock markets bears and bulls. The world's whale population has just been valued at a total of $1 trillion. Resilient economists looked at the 64,000 large whales estimated to migrate through Brazil's coastal waters every year and tagged them with the combined worth of $82 billion. But if you're like me and you're a massive skeptic, you're probably wondering how do they land at such an enormous number? Well, whales are a huge tourist attraction. Every year, tourists in Brazil spend more than $6 million just for the chance to see them. Whales help to regulate their environments by sequestering carbon dioxide in their bodies, from consuming plankton and taking it to the bottom of the ocean when they die. Whales also are responsible for half the oxygen production on earth through defecation. Now of course, whales have intrinsic value on their own just by simply existing, but economists are going to do what economists do. In a capitalistic system like we have, dollar values like this are applied to nature to put in perspective how much we would lose in the language of money. And you know what they say, "Money talks." So move over Wall Street because here comes Whale Street.


Julie Christeas 52 Hertz Podcast Image Credit David Chung
Julie Christeas Quote 52 Hertz Podcast

52 Hertz is a podcast from Lonely Whale
Our show is produced by Emma Riley and Mindy Ramaker, with writing by Kyrsten Stringer, and audio engineering by James Riley. Special thanks to Young Hero, Emy Kane, Kendall Starkman, and Danny Witte.